Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Read my article for new online magazine All Abroad

Hello everyone!

If you can't get enough of my blog, head over to All Abroad magazine, where you can read an article I wrote about Lisbon.

"Sebastianismo, waiting for a mythical king to return and restore Portugal’s greatness, was a national pastime for many centuries, and maybe some of that attitude hangs on today, even after the great changes brought by the 1974 revolution."

It's a bit rambly, but you might find parts of it interesting. And be sure to have a look at the other articles too. They have all been written by Oxford languages students spending the year all around the world, meaning that the magazine has a unique and international perspective.

About All Abroad 

"This site is ‘yet another year-abroad-blog’ with a difference. Here we provide a platform for language students on their year abroad around the world to share a bit about their experiences through a personal perspective of their choosing."

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