Sunday 1 September 2024

Melides to Porto Covo

Hello from our next stop along the coastal Alentejo - Porto Covo.

It's been another glorious day for cycling. Stephen identified a handy cafe a few kilometres out of Melides for breakfast, where we caused great excitement among the locals. Who are these strange foreigners going cycling before 9am on a Sunday?

We then settled in to some climbing, making short work of about 300m of ascent before we got to Santiago do Cacém. There was plenty to see, including sheep with cowbells.

We stopped for a cold drink in Santiago de Cacém, then continued along a real treat of a road, through beautiful land full of cork oaks, with barely any traffic.

As has become slightly predictable, this was followed by some less enjoyable terrain, namely another sandy path. (We'd already done some before breakfast!) Still, with lots of mutual encouragement, we made it.

At one point I resorted to eating several figs that I'd stashed from a handy roadside bush earlier in the day. Totally worth it!

The path went through some eucalyptus plantations, past an equestrian centre, and through lots of other agricultural land. One point of interest was a big reservoir, which was quite different from the other scenery of the day.

Around midday we were approaching Porto Covo on another sandy track, this time with a huge herd of cattle for company.

Our route into Porto Covo joined up with the coast road, which had spectacular views of the many little bays and coves.

We left our bikes and bags at the hotel then headed back to the sea (via a cold drink) for a few hours on the beach. A combination of food, a cooling swim, and some gentle snoozing was a perfect way to spend the afternoon. 

We made the most of the opportunity to have another swim in the hotel pool before going out for dinner. I was particularly delighted that we were seated next to the tank of lobsters and crabs.

It was an excellent way to wrap up our third day of cycling. Today's statistics: 51km, 588m of climbing.

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